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Primary Care Starts with You



Community Based • Non-Profit • Training


NAPCP Statement

As a national organization, The Naturopathic Academy of Primary Care Physicians (NAPCP) supports ongoing efforts from both state and federal entities to ensure the safety of all people. As such, NAPCP endorses the requirements and recommendations for the immunization of all healthcare personnel against COVID-19 to protect themselves, their patients and families, and their communities. - 08/30/2021

NAPCP recommends practitioners follow CDC and public health guidelines regarding all matters related to COVID-19.


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If you are interested in developing your skills as a Naturopathic Primary Care Physician, including demonstrable skills in management, applied naturopathic theory, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, triage, consultation, and co-management, becoming a member of NAPCP is an excellent choice.

Learn more here: Become a Member.