What is Naturopathic Primary Care?
Naturopathic Primary Care is Community-Based Medicine
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has developed a commonly accepted definition of primary care: “Primary care is the provision of integrated, accessible health care services by clinicians who are accountable for addressing a large majority of personal health care needs, developing a sustained partnership with patients, and practicing in the context of family and community.” (IOM, 1996)
Who better understands these concepts than naturopathic physicians? Naturopathic physicians for years have worked cooperatively with other physicians, have been extensively trained in community-based practices, and have focused on the integration of education and the rational use of effective therapeutics. (ACCAHC, 2013)
Naturopathic Primary Care Physicians (NPCPs) are committed to being accessible and accountable to their patients and the medical community as a whole. They are able to offer their patients up-to-date information on available and appropriate screening for the prevention of disease. They are also well-equipped to screen for, diagnose and treat chronic conditions and diseases. Both preventative care and treatment of chronic diseases require the diligent use of appropriate diagnostic measures. This includes the timely use of detailed physical exams, which may lead to triage or treatment, depending on presentation and degree of pathology. NPCPs are competent in the administration of vaccinations and up-to-date on Public Health policies, both local and national. They are above all focused on patient education, providing patients with the opportunity to understand causality, measures for treatment, and informed consent. NPCPs have the ability to triage a patient’s care with consulting medical providers, and collaborate successfully with these providers through the exchange of continuity of care records.
Naturopathic medicine is ideally suited to address healthcare needs because it is soundly and safely based upon both the objective observation of the nature of health and disease, while encouraging the body’s inherent self-healing process. The Naturopathic Principles which guide this observation, and in turn guide treatment, are continually reexamined in the light of scientific advances.(Standards Paper, 2011)
History of NAPCP
We are a group of like-minded physicians and students, dedicated to the education and practice of Naturopathic Primary Care. Some of us were members of the first class of the John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine. We were fortunate to have known Dr. Bastyr as a teacher and a friend. During his last days, one of us had the privilege of serving as his attending physician. The Naturopathic Academy of Primary Care Physicians (NAPCP) is derived from the foundational teachings of Dr. John Bastyr.
Dr. John Bastyr
To know Dr. Bastyr was to know Naturopathic Primary Care. Besides being a gentle and beloved physician, he was always teaching students, other physicians and his patients. When asked to define Naturopathic Medicine, his message was always the same: "what it takes." His approach to patients was steeped in the belief of the healing power inherent within each individual. He cared for patients from birth until death utilizing hydrotherapy, manipulation, diet, nutrition, nutraceuticals, homeopathic medicine, physical medicine, botanicals, counseling, and pharmaceuticals. He was a strong advocate of “nature cure” and the integration of conventional and naturopathic medical knowledge. He knew the value of teaching young doctors and students demonstrable naturopathic skills in the management of patients. The very seed from which Naturopathic Primary Care grew was Dr. Bastyr's willingness to share his keen insights and knowledge of Naturopathic Principles and Philosophy, the clinical application of the “least force” Therapeutic Order, bedside manner, diagnosis, and treatment of a patient. Those of us from the class of 1982 consider ourselves to be the first crop yielded from that precious seed.
We took our skills and went on to have full and challenging practices. Part of that practice, as trained by Dr. Bastyr, means passing on his “see one, do one, teach one” philosophy. This is the power of community-based medicine, and this is what makes Naturopathic Primary Care powerful and unique among all primary care practices and philosophies. The next installment of this philosophy began in 2002, with a small committed group of "hungry" 3rd and 4th year naturopathic students eager to learn and practice Naturopathic Primary Care. Those who were willing to accept the sacrifices and rigor of weekly meetings and mentorship became members of this group known as the Sombrero Club. Since then, each year, a new crop from Dr. Bastyr's seed is readied for the challenges of a Naturopathic Primary Care career.
TODAY, we, the NAPCP, endeavor to carry on the spirit and the letter of Dr. Bastyr's "what it takes" philosophy. If you are interested in developing a successful Naturopathic Primary Care practice, including demonstrable skills in management, applied naturopathic theory, bedside manner, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, triage, consultation, co-management and effective participation in third party reimbursement and more, then we welcome you.